
About Eric

Amateur competitive jigsaw puzzler, junior olympic qualifying epee fencer, bread aficionado, and graduate student: Eric is a jack of many trades but a master of only one—the fine and subtle art of gossip. He is notoriously difficult to contact. If you feel the need to communicate with him, recent studies show that the best way to get a response is to place your message in a bottle, throw it into an ocean of your choice, and wait 12-17 years.

About Naomi

Equipped with no marketable skills, Naomi is the descendent of a 19th-century cobbler. Her most important accomplishments include making this website, missing her college graduation due to COVID-19, and quitting piano lessons right when she was starting to get good. If you feel the need to refer to Naomi, we offer you thoughts and prayers and request that you use she/her/hers pronouns.